Docs: Network Reference

Network Reference

Network Reference

This page is autogenerated; any changes will get overwritten (last generated on Fri Oct 08 06:42:18 +1100 2010)

This is a list of all Puppet network interfaces. Each interface is implemented in the form of a client and a handler; the handler is loaded on the server, and the client knows how to call the handler’s methods appropriately.

Most handlers are meant to be started on the server, usually within puppet master, and the clients are mostly started on the client, usually within puppet agent.

You can find the server-side handler for each interface at puppet/network/handler/<name>.rb and the client class at puppet/network/client/<name>.rb.


Provides an interface for signing CSRs. Accepts a CSR and returns the CA certificate and the signed certificate, or returns nil if the cert is not signed.

:Prefix: puppetca :Side: Server :Methods: getcert


The interface to Puppet’s FileBucket system. Can be used to store files in and retrieve files from a filebucket.

:Prefix: puppetbucket :Side: Server :Methods: addfile, getfile


The interface to Puppet’s fileserving abilities.

:Prefix: fileserver :Side: Server :Methods: describe, list, retrieve


Puppet’s configuration interface. Used for all interactions related to generating client configurations.

:Prefix: puppetmaster :Side: Server :Methods: getconfig, freshness


Accepts a Puppet transaction report and processes it.

:Prefix: puppetreports :Side: Server :Methods: report


An interface for triggering client configuration runs.

:Prefix: puppetrunner :Side: Client :Methods: run


A simple interface for testing Puppet connectivity.

:Prefix: status :Side: Client :Methods: status

This page autogenerated on Fri Oct 08 06:42:18 +1100 2010

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