Class: Puppet::Property::Ensure

Puppet::Property show all
Defined in:


This property is automatically added to any Type that responds to the methods ‘exists?’, ‘create’, and ‘destroy’.

Ensure defaults to having the wanted (should) value :present.

Constant Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Puppet::Parameter


Method Summary

Methods inherited from Puppet::Property

#call_provider, #call_valuemethod, #initialize, #insync?, method_added, newvalue, #safe_insync?, #set, #should, #should=, #unsafe_validate, #validate_features_per_value, value_name, value_option

Methods inherited from Puppet::Parameter

aliasvalue, defaultto, desc, doc, #initialize, initvars, isnamevar, isnamevar?, isrequired, #log, munge, newvalues, nodefault, #pathbuilder, proxymethods, required?, unmunge, #unsafe_munge, #unsafe_validate, validate, #validate

Methods included from Util

exit_on_fail, #exit_on_fail, which, #which

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Puppet::Property