2.1 Prerequisites
The documentation is for the future PyQwt-5.0 which is only available from
CVS. A snapshot,
PyQwt5-20061017.tar.gz, is available. Please refer, to the
documentation in the snapshot when you use the snapshot.
Build prerequisites for PyQwt5-20061017.tar.gz:
- Python.
Supported versions: Python-2.5.x, Python-2.4.x, and Python-2.3.x.
- Qt.
Supported versions: Qt-4.2.x, Qt-4.1.x, Qt-3.3.x, and Qt-3.2.x.
- sip-4.5.2.tar.gz.
Supported versions: sip-4.5.x, and sip-4.4.x.
- Either PyQt-x11-gpl-3.17.tar.gz, or PyQt-mac-gpl-3.17.tar.gz, or PyQt4-x11-gpl-4.1.1.tar.gz, or PyQt-mac-gpl-4.1.1.tar.gz.
Supported versions: PyQt-4.1.x, PyQt-4.0.x, PyQt-3.17.x, and PyQt-3.16.x.
The source package PyQwt5-20061017.tar.gz contains a SVN snapshot of the not yet
released Qwt-5.0.0 library.
Since the API of the Qwt-5.0.0 is still unstable, it is best to compile and
link those sources statically into PyQwt.
To exploit the full power of the QwtPlot widget, you should install at
least one the Numerical Python extensions:
NumPy, numarray, or Numeric.
I am using NumPy-1.0.1.tar.gz, numarray-1.5.2.tar.gz, and Numeric-24.2.tar.gz.
NumPy is actively developed and recommended.
numarray and Numeric are unmaintained.
Release 20061017, documentation updated on March 3, 2007. Hosted on