1.3.2 Qwt5.qplt

Warning: The documentation is for the future PyQwt-5.0 which is only available from CVS. A snapshot, PyQwt5-20061017.tar.gz, is available. Please refer, to the documentation in the snapshot when you use the snapshot.

The module qwt.qplt defines a tiny data-directed programming language to simplify the use of QwtPlot from the Python command line interpreter. Here follows a small example:

>>> import iqt                                                    #  1
>>> from qwt.qplt import *                                        #  2
>>> x = arange(-2*pi, 2*pi, 0.01)                                 #  3
>>> p = Plot(Curve(x, cos(x), Pen(Magenta, 2), "cos(x)"),         #  4
...          Axis(Bottom, "x axis"),                              #  5
...          Axis(Left, "y axis"),                                #  6
...          Axis(Right, Logarithmic),                            #  7
...          Curve(x, exp(x), Pen(Red), "exp(x)", Right),         #  8
...          ("PyQwt demo based on Qwt-%s (http://qwt.sf.net)"    #  9
...           % QWT_VERSION_STR))                                 # 10
>>> x = x[0:-1:10]                                                # 11
>>> p.plot(Curve(x, cos(x-pi/4),                                  # 12
...              Symbol(Circle, Yellow), "circle"),               # 13
...        Curve(x, cos(x+pi/4),                                  # 14
...              Pen(Blue), Symbol(Square, Cyan), "square"))      # 15
