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This is the verbatim text of the qaxbase.h include file. It is provided only for illustration; the copyright remains with Trolltech.
/**************************************************************************** ** $Id: qt/qaxbase.h 3.3.8 edited Jan 11 14:46 $ ** ** Declaration of the QAxBase class ** ** Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the Active Qt integration. ** ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition ** licenses for Windows may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial ** License Agreement provided with the Software. ** ** This file is not available for use under any other license without ** express written permission from the copyright holder. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email [email protected] for ** information about Qt Commercial License Agreements. ** ** Contact [email protected] if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #ifndef UNICODE #define UNICODE #endif #ifndef QAXBASE_H #define QAXBASE_H #include <qvariant.h> #include <qobject.h> struct IUnknown; struct QUuid; class QAxEventSink; class QAxObject; class QAxBasePrivate; class QAxBase { #ifdef Q_QDOC #error "The Symbol Q_QDOC is reserved for documentation purposes." Q_PROPERTY( QString control READ control WRITE setControl ) #endif public: #ifndef Q_QDOC typedef QMap<QCString, QVariant> PropertyBag; #endif QAxBase( IUnknown *iface = 0 ); virtual ~QAxBase(); QString control() const; long queryInterface( const QUuid &, void** ) const; QVariant dynamicCall( const QCString&, const QVariant &v1 = QVariant(), const QVariant &v2 = QVariant(), const QVariant &v3 = QVariant(), const QVariant &v4 = QVariant(), const QVariant &v5 = QVariant(), const QVariant &v6 = QVariant(), const QVariant &v7 = QVariant(), const QVariant &v8 = QVariant() ); QVariant dynamicCall( const QCString&, QValueList<QVariant> &vars ); QAxObject *querySubObject( const QCString &name, const QVariant &v1 = QVariant(), const QVariant &v2 = QVariant(), const QVariant &v3 = QVariant(), const QVariant &v4 = QVariant(), const QVariant &v5 = QVariant(), const QVariant &v6 = QVariant(), const QVariant &v7 = QVariant(), const QVariant &v8 = QVariant() ); virtual QMetaObject *metaObject() const; virtual bool qt_invoke( int, QUObject* ); virtual bool qt_property( int, int, QVariant* ); virtual bool qt_emit( int, QUObject* ) = 0; virtual const char *className() const = 0; virtual QObject *qObject() = 0; PropertyBag propertyBag() const; void setPropertyBag( const PropertyBag& ); QString generateDocumentation(); virtual bool propertyWritable( const char* ) const; virtual void setPropertyWritable( const char*, bool ); bool isNull() const; QVariant asVariant() const; #ifdef Q_QDOC #error "The Symbol Q_QDOC is reserved for documentation purposes." enum PropertyBag {}; signals: void signal(const QString&,int,void*); void propertyChanged(const QString&); void exception(int,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&); #endif public: virtual void clear(); bool setControl( const QString& ); void disableMetaObject(); void disableClassInfo(); void disableEventSink(); protected: virtual bool initialize( IUnknown** ptr ); bool initializeRemote(IUnknown** ptr); bool initializeLicensed(IUnknown** ptr); bool initializeActive(IUnknown** ptr); private: bool initializeLicensedHelper(void *factory, const QString &key, IUnknown **ptr); QAxBasePrivate *d; static QMetaObject *staticMetaObject() { return 0; } virtual QMetaObject *parentMetaObject() const = 0; bool internalInvoke( const QCString &name, void *out, QVariant var[], QCString &type ); QString ctrl; }; inline QString QAxBase::generateDocumentation() { extern QString qax_generateDocumentation(QAxBase *, QAxBasePrivate *); return qax_generateDocumentation(this, d); } #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM inline QDataStream &operator >>( QDataStream &s, QAxBase &c ) { QAxBase::PropertyBag bag; c.qObject()->blockSignals( TRUE ); QString control; s >> control; c.setControl( control ); s >> bag; c.setPropertyBag( bag ); c.qObject()->blockSignals( FALSE ); return s; } inline QDataStream &operator <<( QDataStream &s, const QAxBase &c ) { QAxBase::PropertyBag bag = c.propertyBag(); s << c.control(); s << bag; return s; } #endif // QT_NO_DATASTREAM #endif // QAXBASE_H
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