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dialog.cpp Example File

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 ** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
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 #include "dialog.h"
 #include <QFileDialog>
 #include <QBuffer>
 #include <QtCore/QDebug>

   \class Dialog

   \brief This class is a simple example of how to use QSharedMemory.

   It is a simple dialog that presents a few buttons. To compile the
   example, run make in qt/examples/ipc. Then run the executable twice
   to create two processes running the dialog. In one of the processes,
   press the button to load an image into a shared memory segment, and
   then select an image file to load. Once the first process has loaded
   and displayed the image, in the second process, press the button to
   read the same image from shared memory. The second process displays
   the same image loaded from its new loaction in shared memory.

   The class contains a data member \l {QSharedMemory} {sharedMemory},
   which is initialized with the key "QSharedMemoryExample" to force
   all instances of Dialog to access the same shared memory segment.
   The constructor also connects the clicked() signal from each of the
   three dialog buttons to the slot function appropriate for handling
   each button.
 Dialog::Dialog(QWidget *parent)
   : QDialog(parent), sharedMemory("QSharedMemoryExample")
     connect(ui.loadFromFileButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(loadFromFile()));
     setWindowTitle(tr("SharedMemory Example"));

   This slot function is called when the \tt {Load Image From File...}
   button is pressed on the firs Dialog process. First, it tests
   whether the process is already connected to a shared memory segment
   and, if so, detaches from that segment. This ensures that we always
   start the example from the beginning if we run it multiple times
   with the same two Dialog processes. After detaching from an existing
   shared memory segment, the user is prompted to select an image file.
   The selected file is loaded into a QImage. The QImage is displayed
   in the Dialog and streamed into a QBuffer with a QDataStream.

   Next, it gets a new shared memory segment from the system big enough
   to hold the image data in the QBuffer, and it locks the segment to
   prevent the second Dialog process from accessing it. Then it copies
   the image from the QBuffer into the shared memory segment. Finally,
   it unlocks the shared memory segment so the second Dialog process
   can access it.

   After this function runs, the user is expected to press the \tt
   {Load Image from Shared Memory} button on the second Dialog process.

   \sa loadFromMemory()
 void Dialog::loadFromFile()
     if (sharedMemory.isAttached())

     ui.label->setText(tr("Select an image file"));
     QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(0, QString(), QString(),
                                         tr("Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg)"));
     QImage image;
     if (!image.load(fileName)) {
         ui.label->setText(tr("Selected file is not an image, please select another."));

     // load into shared memory
     QBuffer buffer;
     QDataStream out(&buffer);
     out << image;
     int size = buffer.size();

     if (!sharedMemory.create(size)) {
         ui.label->setText(tr("Unable to create shared memory segment."));
     char *to = (char*)sharedMemory.data();
     const char *from = buffer.data().data();
     memcpy(to, from, qMin(sharedMemory.size(), size));

   This slot function is called in the second Dialog process, when the
   user presses the \tt {Load Image from Shared Memory} button. First,
   it attaches the process to the shared memory segment created by the
   first Dialog process. Then it locks the segment for exclusive
   access, copies the image data from the segment into a QBuffer, and
   streams the QBuffer into a QImage. Then it unlocks the shared memory
   segment, detaches from it, and finally displays the QImage in the

   \sa loadFromFile()
 void Dialog::loadFromMemory()
     if (!sharedMemory.attach()) {
         ui.label->setText(tr("Unable to attach to shared memory segment.\n" \
                              "Load an image first."));

     QBuffer buffer;
     QDataStream in(&buffer);
     QImage image;

     buffer.setData((char*)sharedMemory.constData(), sharedMemory.size());
     in >> image;


   This private function is called by the destructor to detach the
   process from its shared memory segment. When the last process
   detaches from a shared memory segment, the system releases the
   shared memory.
 void Dialog::detach()
     if (!sharedMemory.detach())
         ui.label->setText(tr("Unable to detach from shared memory."));

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Qt 4.4.3