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cl_helper.h Example File

 ** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
 ** Contact: Qt Software Information ([email protected])
 ** This file is part of the examples of the Qt Toolkit.
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 ** GNU General Public License Usage
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 #ifdef QT_OPENGL_ES_1_CL

 #define FLOAT2X(f)      ((int) ( (f) * (65536)))
 #define X2FLOAT(x)      ((float)(x) / 65536.0f)

 #define f2vt(f)     FLOAT2X(f)
 #define vt2f(x)     X2FLOAT(x)

 #define q_vertexType GLfixed
 #define q_vertexTypeEnum GL_FIXED

 #define q_glFog             glFogx
 #define q_glFogv            glFogxv

 #define q_glLight           glLightx
 #define q_glLightv          glLightxv
 #define q_glLightModel      glLightModelx
 #define q_glLightModelv     glLightModelxv

 #define q_glAlphaFunc       glAlphaFuncx

 #define q_glMaterial        glMaterialx
 #define q_glMaterialv       glMaterialxv
 #define q_glColor4          glColor4x

 #define q_glTexParameter    glTexParameterx
 #define q_glTexEnv          glTexEnvx

 #define q_glOrtho           glOrthox
 #define q_glFrustum         glFrustumx

 #define q_glTranslate       glTranslatex
 #define q_glScale           glScalex
 #define q_glRotate          glRotatex
 #define q_glLoadMatrix      glLoadMatrixx

 #define q_glClearColor      glClearColorx

 #define q_glMultMatrix      glMultMatrixx

 #define q_glNormal3         glNormal3x

 #define q_glPolygonOffset   glPolygonOffsetx
 #define q_glPointSize       glPointSizex


 #define f2vt(f)     (f)
 #define vt2f(x)     (x)

 #define q_vertexType GLfloat
 #define q_vertexTypeEnum GL_FLOAT

 #define q_glFog             glFogf
 #define q_glFogv            glFogfv

 #define q_glLight           glLightf
 #define q_glLightv          glLightfv
 #define q_glLightModel      glLightModelf
 #define q_glLightModelv     glLightModelfv

 #define q_glAlphaFunc       glAlphaFuncf

 #define q_glMaterial        glMaterialf
 #define q_glMaterialv       glMaterialfv
 #define q_glColor4          glColor4f

 #define q_glTexParameter    glTexParameterf
 #define q_glTexEnv          glTexEnvf

 #define q_glOrtho           glOrthof
 #define q_glFrustum         glFrustumf

 #define q_glTranslate       glTranslatef
 #define q_glScale           glScalef
 #define q_glRotate          glRotatef
 #define q_glLoadMatrix      glLoadMatrixf

 #define q_glClearColor      glClearColor

 #define q_glMultMatrix      glMultMatrixf

 #define q_glNormal3         glNormal3f

 #define q_glPolygonOffset   glPolygonOffsetf
 #define q_glPointSize       glPointSizef


Copyright © 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) Trademarks
Qt 4.5.1