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main.cpp Example File

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 #include <QApplication>
 #include <QAxFactory>
 #include <QTabWidget>
 #include <QTimer>

 class Application;
 class DocumentList;

 class Document : public QObject

     Q_CLASSINFO("ClassID", "{2b5775cd-72c2-43da-bc3b-b0e8d1e1c4f7}")
     Q_CLASSINFO("InterfaceID", "{2ce1761e-07a3-415c-bd11-0eab2c7283de}")

     Q_PROPERTY(Application *application READ application)
     Q_PROPERTY(QString title READ title WRITE setTitle)

     Document(DocumentList *list);

     Application *application() const;

     QString title() const;
     void setTitle(const QString &title);

     QWidget *page;

 class DocumentList : public QObject

     Q_CLASSINFO("ClassID", "{496b761d-924b-4554-a18a-8f3704d2a9a6}")
     Q_CLASSINFO("InterfaceID", "{6c9e30e8-3ff6-4e6a-9edc-d219d074a148}")

     Q_PROPERTY(Application* application READ application)
     Q_PROPERTY(int count READ count)

     DocumentList(Application *application);

     int count() const;
     Application *application() const;

 public slots:
     Document *addDocument();
     Document *item(int index) const;

     QList<Document*> list;

 class Application : public QObject

     Q_CLASSINFO("ClassID", "{b50a71db-c4a7-4551-8d14-49983566afee}")
     Q_CLASSINFO("InterfaceID", "{4a427759-16ef-4ed8-be79-59ffe5789042}")
     Q_CLASSINFO("RegisterObject", "yes")

     Q_PROPERTY(DocumentList* documents READ documents)
     Q_PROPERTY(QString id READ id)
     Q_PROPERTY(bool visible READ isVisible WRITE setVisible)

     Application(QObject *parent = 0);
     DocumentList *documents() const;

     QString id() const { return objectName(); }

     void setVisible(bool on);
     bool isVisible() const;

     QTabWidget *window() const { return ui; }

 public slots:
     void quit();

     DocumentList *docs;

     QTabWidget *ui;

 Document::Document(DocumentList *list)
 : QObject(list)
     QTabWidget *tabs = list->application()->window();
     page = new QWidget(tabs);
     tabs->addTab(page, page->windowTitle());


     delete page;

 Application *Document::application() const
     return qobject_cast<DocumentList*>(parent())->application();

 QString Document::title() const
     return page->windowTitle();

 void Document::setTitle(const QString &t)

     QTabWidget *tabs = application()->window();
     int index = tabs->indexOf(page);
     tabs->setTabText(index, page->windowTitle());

 DocumentList::DocumentList(Application *application)
 : QObject(application)

 Application *DocumentList::application() const
     return qobject_cast<Application*>(parent());

 int DocumentList::count() const
     return list.count();

 Document *DocumentList::item(int index) const
     if (index >= list.count())
         return 0;

     return list.at(index);

 Document *DocumentList::addDocument()
     Document *document = new Document(this);

     return document;

 Application::Application(QObject *parent)
 : QObject(parent), ui(0)
     ui = new QTabWidget;

     setObjectName("From QAxFactory");
     docs = new DocumentList(this);

 DocumentList *Application::documents() const
     return docs;

 void Application::setVisible(bool on)

 bool Application::isVisible() const
     return ui->isVisible();

 void Application::quit()
     delete docs;
     docs = 0;

     delete ui;
     ui = 0;
     QTimer::singleShot(0, qApp, SLOT(quit()));

 #include "main.moc"

 QAXFACTORY_BEGIN("{edd3e836-f537-4c6f-be7d-6014c155cc7a}", "{b7da3de8-83bb-4bbe-9ab7-99a05819e201}")

 int main(int argc, char **argv)
     QApplication app(argc, argv);

     // started by COM - don't do anything
     if (QAxFactory::isServer())
         return app.exec();

     // started by user
     Application appobject(0);
     appobject.setObjectName("From Application");



     QObject::connect(qApp, SIGNAL(lastWindowClosed()), &appobject, SLOT(quit()));

     return app.exec();

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Qt 4.6.0