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globjwin.cpp Example File

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 ** This file is part of the examples of the Qt Toolkit.
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 #include "globjwin.h"
 #include "glbox.h"
 #include <QPushButton>
 #include <QSlider>
 #include <QLayout>
 #include <QFrame>
 #include <QMenuBar>
 #include <QMenu>
 #include <QApplication>

 GLObjectWindow::GLObjectWindow(QWidget* parent)
     : QWidget(parent)

     // Create a menu
     QMenu *file = new QMenu( this );
     file->addAction( "Exit",  qApp, SLOT(quit())/*, CTRL+Key_Q*/);

     // Create a menu bar
     QMenuBar *m = new QMenuBar( this );

     // Create a nice frame to put around the OpenGL widget
     QFrame* f = new QFrame(this);
     f->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Sunken | QFrame::Panel );
     f->setLineWidth( 2 );

     // Create our OpenGL widget
     GLBox* c = new GLBox( f, "glbox");

     // Create the three sliders; one for each rotation axis
     QSlider* x = new QSlider(Qt::Vertical, this);
     x->setTickPosition( QSlider::TicksLeft );
     QObject::connect( x, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),c,SLOT(setXRotation(int)) );

     QSlider* y = new QSlider(Qt::Vertical, this);
     y->setTickPosition( QSlider::TicksLeft );
     QObject::connect( y, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),c,SLOT(setYRotation(int)) );

     QSlider* z = new QSlider(Qt::Vertical, this);
     z->setTickPosition( QSlider::TicksLeft );
     QObject::connect( z, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),c,SLOT(setZRotation(int)) );

     // Now that we have all the widgets, put them into a nice layout

     // Top level layout, puts the sliders to the left of the frame/GL widget
     QHBoxLayout* hlayout = new QHBoxLayout(this);

     // Put the sliders on top of each other
     QVBoxLayout* vlayout = new QVBoxLayout();
     vlayout->addWidget( x );
     vlayout->addWidget( y );
     vlayout->addWidget( z );

     // Put the GL widget inside the frame
     QHBoxLayout* flayout = new QHBoxLayout(f);
     flayout->addWidget( c, 1 );

     hlayout->setMenuBar( m );
     hlayout->addLayout( vlayout );
     hlayout->addWidget( f, 1 );

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Qt 4.6.0