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Porting Guides

A number of guides and documents are available that cover porting issues, from detailed coverage of API differences between Qt 3 and Qt 4 to platform and tool-specific documentation.

Moving from QSA to Qt Script
Moving from Qt 3 to Qt 4Porting advice for authors of new and existing Qt 3 applications.
Porting Qt Applications to Qt for Embedded Linux
Porting UI Files to Qt 4Information about changes to the UI file format in Qt 4.
Porting to Graphics ViewHints and tips to assist with porting canvas applications to the Graphics View framework.
Porting to Qt 4An overview of issues and techniques to consider when porting from Qt 3 to Qt 4.
Porting to Qt 4 - Drag and DropAn overview of the porting process for applications that use drag and drop.
Porting to Qt 4 - Virtual FunctionsAn overview of changes to virtual functions in Qt 4.
qt3to4 - The Qt 3 to 4 Porting Tool

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