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runqtopia Options

The authorative source of the available runqtopia options (and defaults) is the script itself. Here is the output of runqtopia -help as it was when the documentation was built.

runqtopia -help

    Usage:  runqtopia [options]

    The defaults (*) are usually acceptable. A plus (+) denotes a default
    value that needs to be evaluated. If the evaluation succeeds, the
    feature is included.

    Here is a short explanation of each option:

        -display num ...........  Use display number <num>.
                                  Default: 1155
        -skin skin .............  Use QVFb skin <skin>.
                                  Available: Check your installation's runqtopia
                                  -help for available skins
                                  Default: Check your installation's runqtopia -help
                                  for available skins
        -rotation angle ........  Use rotation <angle>. Note that the transformed
                                  driver must be enabled or this will fail.
                                  Available: 0, 90, 180, 270
                                  Default: 0
        -home home .............  Use HOME <home>, defaults to $QPEHOME if set;
                                  otherwise defaults to $QPEDIR/home.
                                  Default: /home/test1/tmp/mksrcpackage_30514/qt-ext
        -qvfb arguments ........  Extra arguments for QVFb.
        -qvfb-only .............  Only run QVFb.
        -phonesim arguments ....  Extra arguments for phonesim.
        -phonesim-port num .....  Use phonesim port number <num>.
                                  Default: 12345

      * -run-phonesim ..........  Run phonesim (QTOPIA_PHONE_DEVICE must be unset or
                                  set to sim:localhost).
        -no-run-phonesim .......  Do not run phonesim.

        -restart-phonesim ......  Restart phonesim if it is running (kill any
                                  processes using the phonesim port).
      * -no-restart-phonesim ...  Do not restart phonesim if it is running.

        -performance ...........  Run Qtopia in performance test mode (not
                                  compatible with -exec or -runmode).
        -test ..................  Enable test hooks in Qtopia.
        -profile ...............  Enable gprof profiling (not compatible with
                                  systemtesthelper runmode).
        -qpe binary ............  Run a binary other than qpe. This applies to the
                                  current runmode and even -exec (if $qpe appears in
                                  the commandline) so sneaking in options may not
                                  Default: $QTOPIA_PREFIX/bin/qpe
        -runmode mode ..........  Specify the run mode. Note that -exec overrides
                                  this switch.
                                  Available: normal, gdb, ddd, valgrind, memcheck,
                                  callgrind, massif, strace, systemtesthelper
                                  Default: normal

            Pass -runmodehelp for detailed information about the run modes.

        -exec shell code .......  Specify the command(s) to run. The argument is
                                  interpreted by the shell so any shell code is
                                  valid here.

      * -rpath .................  Qtopia was built with an RPATH.
        -no-rpath ..............  Qtopia was not built with an RPATH. Set
                                  LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that it can work.

    Run mode details:

        normal .................  Run Qtopia normally (including server restarts).
                                  Command: while [ -f $QTOPIA_RESTART_FILE ]; do qpe
                                  "$@"; done
        gdb ....................  Debug Qtopia using GDB.
                                  Command: gdb "$@" qpe
        ddd ....................  Debug Qtopia using DDD.
                                  Command: ddd "$@" qpe
        valgrind ...............  Run Qtopia under valgrind
                                  Command: valgrind "$@" qpe
        memcheck ...............  Run Qtopia under memcheck
                                  Command: memcheck "$@" qpe
        callgrind ..............  Run Qtopia under callgrind
                                  Command: callgrind "$@" qpe
        massif .................  Run Qtopia under massif
                                  Command: massif "$@" qpe
        strace .................  Run Qtopia under strace
                                  Command: strace qpe "$@"
        systemtesthelper .......  A helper for running system tests
                                  Command: while [ -f $QTOPIA_RESTART_FILE ]; do qpe
                                  "$@"; done

        Note that extra switches ("$@") are passed in like this:
            runqtopia options -- extra switches

See also Overviews.

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