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These classes provide interfaces to content management.
New or existing applications sometimes need to access the data in the Qt Extended document database, or to add/remove documents to/from the database. This can be achieved via the Qt Extended Document API, which abstracts away all database related coding. For more information on the Document API, please refer to the page Document System. Please also refer to the Tutorials and Examples section, which provides several documented examples on how to use the content related classes.
Note that if an application must access the database directly, it should do so in accordance with the Qt Extended Database Policy.
QContent | Represents a content carrying entity in the Qt Extended system, where content includes resources which an end-user may view or manage |
QContentFilter | Defines criteria for defining a sub-set of all available content |
QContentFilterDialog | Dialog box for selecting content filters |
QContentFilterModel | Defines a model for displaying and selecting possible content filters |
QContentFilterSelector | Allows the user to select filters to refine the visible selection of content on a device |
QContentPlugin | Interface for the Qt Extended Document System to discover detailed information about a file |
QContentProperties | Allows the meta-data stored in content to be read and edited |
QContentPropertiesEngine | Abstraction for accessing content properties |
QContentPropertiesPlugin | Interface for accessing properties and thumbnails embedded in content |
QContentSet | Represents a filtered view of all content on a device |
QContentSetModel | Data model to represent the items in a QContentSet |
QDocumentPropertiesDialog | Allows the user to examine and modify properties of a document |
QDocumentPropertiesWidget | Controls for viewing and modifying the properties of a document |
QFileSystem | Describes a single mount point |
QFileSystemFilter | Used to restrict the available filesystems returned from QStorageMetaInfo |
QStorageMetaInfo | Describes the disks mounted on the file system |
QContentFilterModel::Template | Enables the construction of complex QContentFilterModels with fixed entries and multiple lists |
Copyright © 2009 Nokia | Trademarks | Qt Extended 4.4.3 |