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Layout Management

These classes provide automatic geometry (layout) management of widgets.

QBoxLayoutLines up child widgets horizontally or vertically
QButtonGroupContainer to organize groups of button widgets
QFormLayoutManages forms of input widgets and their associated labels
QGridLayoutLays out widgets in a grid
QGroupBoxGroup box frame with a title
QHBoxLayoutLines up widgets horizontally
QLayoutThe base class of geometry managers
QLayoutItemAbstract item that a QLayout manipulates
QSizePolicyLayout attribute describing horizontal and vertical resizing policy
QSpacerItemBlank space in a layout
QStackedLayoutStack of widgets where only one widget is visible at a time
QStackedWidgetStack of widgets where only one widget is visible at a time
QVBoxLayoutLines up widgets vertically
QWidgetItemLayout item that represents a widget

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Qt Extended 4.4.3