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#include <QtGui>
#include "arrow.h"
#include <math.h>
const qreal Pi = 3.14;
Arrow::Arrow(DiagramItem *startItem, DiagramItem *endItem,
QGraphicsItem *parent, QGraphicsScene *scene)
: QGraphicsLineItem(parent, scene)
myStartItem = startItem;
myEndItem = endItem;
setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable, true);
myColor = Qt::black;
setPen(QPen(myColor, 2, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin));
QRectF Arrow::boundingRect() const
qreal extra = (pen().width() + 20) / 2.0;
return QRectF(line().p1(), QSizeF(line().p2().x() - line().p1().x(),
line().p2().y() - line().p1().y()))
.adjusted(-extra, -extra, extra, extra);
QPainterPath Arrow::shape() const
QPainterPath path = QGraphicsLineItem::shape();
return path;
void Arrow::updatePosition()
QLineF line(mapFromItem(myStartItem, 0, 0), mapFromItem(myEndItem, 0, 0));
void Arrow::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *,
QWidget *)
if (myStartItem->collidesWithItem(myEndItem))
QPen myPen = pen();
qreal arrowSize = 20;
QLineF centerLine(myStartItem->pos(), myEndItem->pos());
QPolygonF endPolygon = myEndItem->polygon();
QPointF p1 = endPolygon.first() + myEndItem->pos();
QPointF p2;
QPointF intersectPoint;
QLineF polyLine;
for (int i = 1; i < endPolygon.count(); ++i) {
p2 = endPolygon.at(i) + myEndItem->pos();
polyLine = QLineF(p1, p2);
QLineF::IntersectType intersectType =
polyLine.intersect(centerLine, &intersectPoint);
if (intersectType == QLineF::BoundedIntersection)
p1 = p2;
setLine(QLineF(intersectPoint, myStartItem->pos()));
double angle = ::acos(line().dx() / line().length());
if (line().dy() >= 0)
angle = (Pi * 2) - angle;
QPointF arrowP1 = line().p1() + QPointF(sin(angle + Pi / 3) * arrowSize,
cos(angle + Pi / 3) * arrowSize);
QPointF arrowP2 = line().p1() + QPointF(sin(angle + Pi - Pi / 3) * arrowSize,
cos(angle + Pi - Pi / 3) * arrowSize);
arrowHead << line().p1() << arrowP1 << arrowP2;
if (isSelected()) {
painter->setPen(QPen(myColor, 1, Qt::DashLine));
QLineF myLine = line();
myLine.translate(0, 4.0);
Copyright © 2008 Nokia | Trademarks | Qt 4.4.3 |