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Qt DRM Module

The Qt Drm module offers DRM back-end functionality. It is based on the Base module.

The following configure line can be used to build the Base and DRM module only:

    ./configure -modules drm -device xyz

Note that not specifying a device profile would result in the reference device being build. The -drm option is equivalent to the -modules drm option.

Feature description

The Drm module offers a reference DRM implementation based on the Beep Science OMA DRM agent version 2.4. The DRM system is part of the Document System. New DRM agents can be provided by implementing the QDrmContentPlugin interface as part of a QDrmAgentPlugin. The relevant classes/interfaces are part of the Base module.

DRM BrowserThe DRM Browser settings application enables the user to browse through the DRM rights granted to the current device. This allows the management of expiry times, requesting of new rights and other management facilities connected to DRM.
DRM Agent Plug-inThe Document System integrates DRM via a plug-in infrastructure. The DRM Agent Integration guide outlines the necessary steps to develop new DRM plug-ins.
Other featuresThe following minor features are included in this module:

Software components

The DRM module includes the following software components:

The exact list of components included in this module can be found in $QPEDIR/src/module_drm.pri.

The test plan for the DRM module summarizes the Quality Assurance procedures for this module. The results of these test are available here.

The following table contains all classes and services which are part of this module:

ArchiveViewerDisplays the contents of an archive file format
OmaDrmAgentThe OmaDrmAgent service
ContentSetLauncherViewDisplays a content set received via the "ContentSetView" service
ContentSetViewThe ContentSetView service

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Qt Extended 4.4.3