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This command has three arguments. The first is the timeout time in milliseconds. The second parameter is optional (defaults to 0) and is a boolean (0/1) that enables the HELPER_ACK command. The third parameter is optional (defaults to 1) and is a boolean (0/1) that enables the 200 command.

    HELPER_INIT 5000 1 1


Sent from the desktop to the device. This enables the connection-independant timeout that is required for some connection types. It also enables the HELPER_ACK command that is required for some connection types.

If the timeout value is 0 then the timeout is disabled (useful if you need the ack but not the timeout). The HELPER_PING command can be sent if there is no actual data to send (ie. it is not interpreted by the other end of the connection).

Note: This command is removed from the command stream by the connection helper.

See also qdsync Protocol.

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Qt Extended Sync Agent Documentation