
Overview of the QtCorba Framework

The QtCorba Framework is suitable for integrating the Qt and CORBA event loops so that both Qt and CORBA will receive their own events.

This documentation assumes that you already know how CORBA ORBs work and how to do CORBA programming.

The basic principle is that we use QApplication::exec() in the normal way (by calling it) and making sure that CORBA's perform_work() function is called whenever necessary. The default implemenation of QtCorba uses a QTimer to call corbaPerformWork() periodically; the interval can be specified using the setPollingInterval() function. Instead of polling, a QSocketNotifier can be used to trigger on activity on the ORB's sockets.

You must subclass QtCorba for it to be useful. In particular you must reimplement the corbaWorkPending() and corbaPerformWork() member functions to call your ORB's work_pending() and perform_work() functions.

The QtCorba Framework is distributed with two example subclasses that are ready to be used, one for ACE/TAO and one for Mico. The classes are called QtCorbaTAO and QtCorbaMico.

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