
QtScript Classic


This component provides the original (pre-Qt 4.6) implementation of the QtScript module.

Starting with version 4.6, the implementation of the QtScript module in Qt is based on JavaScriptCore, i.e. the JavaScript runtime in WebKit. As an alternative replacement, QtScriptClassic provides the original QtScript implementation, which does not use JavaScriptCore.

This component is intended as a migration/mitigation solution for those pre-4.6 QtScript users for whom certain issues (mentioned below) restrict their option to employ the new QtScript module. Hence, the maintenance and available support for this component will be on the level of security and build fixes. This component is not recommended for new software projects.

The rationale for this component is twofold:

Firstly, JavaScriptCore may not compile on all platforms that the original QtScript implementation does. QtScriptClassic is provided so that users affected by such build issues can continue to use QtScript with Qt versions 4.6 and later.

Secondly, JavaScriptCore is only available under the LGPL license. QtScriptClassic is provided also under the the commercial Qt license.



Tested platforms

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