QwtLegend Member List

This is the complete list of members for QwtLegend, including all inherited members.

AutoIdentifier enum value (defined in QwtLegend)QwtLegend
CheckableItem enum value (defined in QwtLegend)QwtLegend
ClickableItem enum value (defined in QwtLegend)QwtLegend
contentsWidget() const QwtLegend
displayPolicy() const QwtLegend
eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *)QwtLegend [virtual]
find(const QwtPlotItem *) const QwtLegend
find(const QWidget *) const QwtLegend
FixedIdentifier enum value (defined in QwtLegend)QwtLegend
heightForWidth(int w) const QwtLegend [virtual]
horizontalScrollBar() const QwtLegend
identifierMode() const QwtLegend
insert(const QwtPlotItem *, QWidget *)QwtLegend
isEmpty() const QwtLegend
itemCount() const QwtLegend
itemMode() const QwtLegend
layoutContents()QwtLegend [protected, virtual]
LegendDisplayPolicy enum nameQwtLegend
LegendItemMode enum nameQwtLegend
legendItems() const QwtLegend [virtual]
NoIdentifier enum value (defined in QwtLegend)QwtLegend
QwtLegend(QWidget *parent=NULL)QwtLegend [explicit]
ReadOnlyItem enum value (defined in QwtLegend)QwtLegend
remove(const QwtPlotItem *)QwtLegend
resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *)QwtLegend [protected, virtual]
setDisplayPolicy(LegendDisplayPolicy policy, int mode)QwtLegend
sizeHint() const QwtLegend [virtual]
verticalScrollBar() const QwtLegend
~QwtLegend()QwtLegend [virtual]

Generated on Mon Feb 26 21:23:58 2007 for Qwt User's Guide by  doxygen 1.4.6