How to build with Eclipse

This guide assumes Eclipse 3.1.0 and you have downloaded the entire Red5 build from the Subversion repository


  1. Start Eclipse
  2. From the File menu select "import"
  3. In the Import dialog box select the item "Existing Projects into Workspace" and hit next
  4. hit the "browse" button next to the "Select root directory" text box
  5. select the root folder where you downloaded the Red5 repository,(e.g. c:\projects\osflash\red5) and hit ok
  6. Make sure Red5 is selected in the projects area and hit "Finish"
  7. Eclipse should automtically build the project, you can force a build from the "project" menu and selecting "build project"
  8. To run the server, in the package explorer panel, select the "Server' file under src/org.red5.server/, right click on the file and select "Run As" and select "Java Application"

  9. If you get an error in the console like : Address already in use: bind at Method) at Source) at Source) at at$800( at$ Exception in thread "main"

    Then the socket Red5 wants to run is in use (by FMS for example). To change the default port Red5 listens on edit the conf/ and change the property rtmp.host_port value to your desired host and port i.e. :
    rtmp.host_port =