Red Hat Network 4.1.0

Channel Management Guide

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Introduction to RHN Channels
2.1. Base Channels and Child Channels
2.2. Subscribing to Channels
2.3. Channel Availability
2.4. Tools, Repositories, and Practices
3. Building Custom Packages
3.1. Building packages for Red Hat Network
3.1.1. RPM Benefits
3.1.2. RHN RPM Guidelines
3.2. Digital Signatures for RHN Packages
3.2.1. Generating a GnuPG Keypair
3.2.2. Signing packages
4. Custom Channel and Package Management
4.1. Channel Management Privileges
4.2. Manage Software Channels
4.3. Managed Software Channel Details
4.4. Manage Software Packages
4.5. Creating a Software Channel
4.6. Assigning Packages to Software Channels
4.7. Cloning Software Channels
4.8. Deleting Software Channels
5. Custom Errata Management
5.1. Manage Errata
5.1.1. Published Errata
5.1.2. Unpublished Errata
5.2. Managed Errata Details
5.3. Creating and Editing Errata
5.4. Assigning Packages to Errata
5.5. Cloning Errata
6. Uploading and Maintaining Custom Packages
6.1. Uploading Packages to RHN Proxy Server
6.1.1. Configuring and Using the RHN Package Manager
6.2. Uploading Packages to RHN Satellite Server
6.2.1. Configuring the RHN Push Application
6.2.2. Using the RHN Push application