C.6. LogAgent

The probes in this section monitor the log files on your systems. You can use them to query logs for certain expressions and track the sizes of files. For LogAgent probes to run, the nocpulse user must be granted read access to your log files.

Note that data from the first run of these probes is not measured against the thresholds to prevent spurious notifications caused by incomplete metric data. Measurements will begin on the second run.

C.6.1. LogAgent::Log Pattern Match

The LogAgent::Log Pattern Match probe uses regular expressions to match text located within the monitored log file and collects the following metrics:

Requirements — The Red Hat Network Monitoring Daemon (rhnmd) must be running on the monitored system to execute this probe. For this probe to run, the nocpulse user must be granted read access to your log files.

In addition to the name and location of the log file to be monitored, you must provide a regular expression to be matched against. The expression must be formatted for egrep, which is equivalent to grep -E and supports extended regular expressions. This is the regular expression set for egrep:

^ beginning of line 
$ end of line 
. match one char 
* match zero or more chars 
[] match one character set, e.g. '[Ff]oo' 
[^] match not in set '[^A-F]oo' 
+ match one or more of preceding chars 
? match zero or one of preceding chars 
| or, e.g. a|b 
() groups chars, e.g., (foo|bar) or (foo)+


Do not include single quotation marks (') within the expression. Doing so causes egrep to fail silently and the probe to time out.

Log file*/var/log/messages
Basic regular expression* 
Critical Maximum Matches 
Warning Maximum Matches 
Warning Minimum Matches 
Critical Minimum Matches 
Critical Maximum Match Rate 
Warning Maximum Match Rate 
Warning Minimum Match Rate 
Critical Maximum Match Rate 

Table C-30. LogAgent::Log Pattern Match settings

C.6.2. LogAgent::Log Size

The LogAgent::Log Size probe monitors log file growth and collects the following metrics:

Requirements — The Red Hat Network Monitoring Daemon (rhnmd) must be running on the monitored system to execute this probe. For this probe to run, the nocpulse user must be granted read access to your log files.

Log file*/var/log/messages
Critical Maximum Size 
Warning Maximum Size 
Warning Minimum Size 
Critical Minimum Size 
Critical Maximum Output Rate 
Warning Maximum Output Rate 
Warning Minimum Output Rate 
Critical Minimum Output Rate 
Critical Maximum Lines 
Warning Maximum Lines 
Warning Minimum Lines 
Critical Minimum Lines 
Critical Maximum Line Rate 
Warning Maximum Line Rate 
Warning Minimum Line Rate 
Critical Minimum Line Rate 

Table C-31. LogAgent::Log Size settings