2.4. Additional Requirements

The following additional requirements must be met before the RHN Satellite Server installation:

In addition to these requirements, it is recommended the RHN Satellite Server be configured in the following manner:

Finally, you should have the following technical documents in hand for use in roughly this order:

  1. The RHN Satellite Server Installation Guide — This guide, which you are now reading, provides the essential steps necessary to get an RHN Satellite Server up and running.

  2. The RHN Client Configuration Guide — This guide explains how to configure the systems to be served by an RHN Proxy Server or RHN Satellite Server. (This will also likely require referencing The RHN Reference Guide, which contains steps for registering and updating systems.)

  3. The RHN Channel Management Guide — This guide identifies in great detail the recommended methods for building custom packages, creating custom channels, and managing private Errata.

  4. The RHN Reference Guide — This guide describes how to create RHN accounts, register and update systems, and use the RHN website to its utmost potential. This guide will probably come in handy throughout the installation and configuration process.