4.12. Permissions and Privileges

A privilege is the ability to perform specific actions, such as create, edit, delete, or preview, on the different objects in the CMS. Privileges are pre-defined and cannot be modified. You can only add new privileges to the CMS programmatically.

Permissions are when you assign privileges to users, either individually, through their pre-defined groups, or through their roles. If you do not assign users any privileges, then they cannot do anything within the CMS except receive email alerts.

You can set permissions for the roles you define or the predefined roles at the content section level. You can also set permissions on a folder that are different from the global permissions on the content section. By inheritance, the items and folders within a folder you set permissions for will have the same permissions as that folder. So, if you specify that only a particular group can create items within a folder, that restriction will hold true for all folders within that folder as well.

The CMS includes the following privileges:

While there is no required order for entering information into the CMS, you must set permissions for users and roles before they can modify content items.

For more information, refer to Section 4.17 Users, Groups, and Roles.