1.2. Flexibility and Control

The CMS provides end-to-end functionality for managing all types of Web content, establishing clearly defined roles and documented workflow processes.

The CMS allows different instances of the application to be mounted under the different managed content sections of the overall site. Each instance can be configured differently to handle a particular production process, yet all interface with a single content repository (database). Configurable aspects of an instance would include:

You configure projects and departments through an administrative interface, called the Control Center, that is also listed as an application under the Site Map. Administrative authority is limited to the same branch of the site that includes the Control Center.

With flexibility and extensibility achieved through access to the application source code, an extensible data model, and a full set of well-documented APIs, Red Hat provides the ultimate in flexibility to your organization. This flexibility allows administrators to adapt the Red Hat Web Application Framework and the Red Hat Content Management System to existing business processes, rather than forcing your organization to adapt to processes imposed by inflexible software. You can also create a unique look and feel for your websites and easily extend the data model, business logic, and presentation layer as your business grows and requirements change, using a CMS that does not require modifications when upgrades are released.