Red Hat Content Management System 6.1

CMS Developer Guide

Table of Contents
Introduction to the CMS Developer Guide
1. Assumptions About CMS Developers
2. Document Conventions
3. Code Presentation Conventions
I. CMS Concepts
1. High-Level Concepts
1.1. Content Sections
1.2. Content Types
1.3. Content Items
1.4. Authoring Kits
1.5. Workflows
1.6. Lifecycles
1.7. Permissions and Privileges
2. Editorial and Live Server
3. Containers
4. Publishing Concepts
4.1. Publishing Process
4.2. Handling Deferred Associations With PublishedLink
4.3. Customizing Publishing Behavior with copyProperty
4.4. Unsupported Use Cases
5. Content Type Separation
5.1. Namespaces
5.2. Presentation
5.3. Content Type Registration
5.4. Content Type Reference Pages
II. CMS Tutorials
6. CMS Configuration
6.1. Initialization Parameters
6.2. Content Section Loading and Initialization Parameters
6.3. Lifecycle Configuration
6.4. Publish to Filesystem (p2fs) Configuration
6.5. Workflow Configuration
7. Creating a Content Type
7.1. Create the Content Type
7.2. Writing an Authoring Kit
7.3. Content Type Loader and Initializer
7.4. Content Types Tools
8. Using a Content Type
8.1. Retrieve an Item From The Repository
8.2. Displaying Content Items with Templates
9. Styling a Content Type