1.3. Content Items

A Content Item contains the actual data for a piece of site content such as an article, an address, or an event. A Content Item is a particular instance of a Content Type. Within a Content Section, Content Items are organized in a hierarchy of folders. Folder is a subtype of ContentItem, which itself contains Content Items and other folders, instead of its own content.

Rather than belonging directly to a folder, user-visible Content Items (such as Articles, News Items, etc.) belong to another intermediate container type, called a ContentBundle, which is itself a direct child of the Folder. The purpose of a ContentBundle is to allow for multilingual content. Within the ContentBundle for an Article may be an English version of the Article, along with a Spanish and a French version. One of these language instances is designated the primary instance. Each language instance has its own copy of the item's data fields, and is published according to its own workflow. Categorization, however, is shared across all instances of a bundle.