Red Hat Content Management System 6.1

CMS Deployment Guide

Table of Contents
Introduction to the CMS Deployment Guide
1. Assumptions About CMS Systems Administrators
2. Document Conventions
3. Code Presentation Conventions
1. Deployment Architecture
1.1. Deploying Squid and Apache for Caching and Acceleration
1.2. Apache Configuration
2. Deployment Hardware Guidelines
3. Deployment Software Guidelines
4. The ccm Command-Line Tool
5. Configuration Guide
5.1. Common Settings
5.1.1. Operating System
5.1.2. JVM Settings
5.1.3. ccm Settings
5.1.4. Database Settings
5.2. Multiple Application Server Settings
5.3. Debug Settings
5.3.1. System Tuning
5.4. Security Settings
5.5. Customizing Workflow Notification Alerts
5.5.1. Workflow Alert Configuration
5.5.2. How to Customize Alert Emails
5.5.3. Customizing Overdue Workflow Task Alerts
5.5.4. Customizing Content Expiration Alerts
6. Importing Data
6.1. Java
6.2. PL/SQL
6.3. Performance
7. Conclusion