Introduction to the CMS Deployment Guide

Welcome to the Red Hat Content Management System Deployment Guide. The purpose of this guide is to assist technical system administrators in the deployment and ongoing maintenance of a Content Management System (CMS) installation. Topics covered include architecture, hardware and scaling, discussion on merits of various optional software components, and configuration and debugging information.

Although each CMS deployment will have unique performance and scalability characteristics, due to the standardization across the CMS product, it is possible to use a generic deployment guide. Red Hat engineers have derived these recommendations from developing and maintaining numerous customer installations of Red Hat Web Application Framework (WAF) and CMS.


While the recommendations in this guide are field tested and proven advice, your unique development and production environment will require you to carefully consider the ramifications of the recommendations made in the CMS Deployment Guide. It is unlikely that anything catastrophic would occur, but it is always important to have your data and systems backed up, and have an implementation reversal plan should the need arise.

For CMS 6.1, the Red Hat engineering development team performed major changes to the internals of CMS and WAF, including rewriting the persistence system, the merging of several key development branches back into the main code base and a refreshing of the user interface. Due to the number of changes made to CMS and WAF, nearly every single aspect of the changed systems has received fully revamped documentation — from the final user interface back to the database. We hope you find the information in this guide to be useful to your CMS deployment.

Please enjoy this guide and report any bugs with the documentation to Please report using the unique component name for this guide:

       rhea-dpg-cms-en(EN)-6.1-HTML-RHI (2004-03-29T16:20-0800) 

1. Assumptions About CMS Systems Administrators

For the purposes of this guide, the term systems administrator refers to the job task of installing, configuring, maintaining, and administrating one or more server systems. This is different from application administrators, those who administrate the CMS application from the user interface.

This manual covers the topic of deploying Red Hat CMS, which is a non-trivial task. It is assumed that the system deployer is an experienced systems administrator or engineer who is familiar with the following areas of knowledge:

There are other Red Hat Applications guides available, and you may find them useful in your deployment. The Red Hat Content Management System Administrator Guide in particular provides a good application administration understanding. Especially when considering maintenance and ongoing performance tuning, it is useful to have a strong familiarity with the user interface, both as a user and as a CMS administrator.