
The first example shows how to spread a query over several lines of input. Notice the changing prompt:
testdb=> CREATE TABLE my_table (
testdb(>  first integer not null default 0,
testdb(>  second text
testdb-> );
Now look at the table definition again:
testdb=> \d my_table
             Table "my_table"
 Attribute |  Type   |      Modifier
 first     | integer | not null default 0
 second    | text    |
At this point you decide to change the prompt to something more interesting:
testdb=> \set PROMPT1 '%n@%m %~%R%# '
peter@localhost testdb=>
Let's assume you have filled the table with data and want to take a look at it:
peter@localhost testdb=> SELECT * FROM my_table;
 first | second
     1 | one
     2 | two
     3 | three
     4 | four
(4 rows)
You can make this table look different by using the \pset command:
peter@localhost testdb=> \pset border 2
Border style is 2.
peter@localhost testdb=> SELECT * FROM my_table;
 first | second 
     1 | one    
     2 | two    
     3 | three  
     4 | four   
(4 rows)

peter@localhost testdb=> \pset border 0
Border style is 0.
peter@localhost testdb=> SELECT * FROM my_table;
first second
----- ------
    1 one
    2 two
    3 three
    4 four
(4 rows)

peter@localhost testdb=> \pset border 1
Border style is 1.
peter@localhost testdb=> \pset format unaligned
Output format is unaligned.
peter@localhost testdb=> \pset fieldsep ,
Field separator is ",".
peter@localhost testdb=> \pset tuples_only
Showing only tuples.
peter@localhost testdb=> SELECT second, first FROM my_table;
Alternatively, you can use the short commands:
peter@localhost testdb=> \a \t \x
Output format is aligned.
Tuples only is off.
Expanded display is on.
peter@localhost testdb=> SELECT * FROM my_table;
-[ RECORD 1 ]-
first  | 1
second | one
-[ RECORD 2 ]-
first  | 2
second | two
-[ RECORD 3 ]-
first  | 3
second | three
-[ RECORD 4 ]-
first  | 4
second | four