Message Formats

This section describes the detailed format of each message. Each can be sent by either a frontend (F), a postmaster/backend (B), or both (F & B).

AsciiRow (B)

AuthenticationOk (B)

AuthenticationKerberosV4 (B)

AuthenticationKerberosV5 (B)

AuthenticationCleartextPassword (B)

AuthenticationCryptPassword (B)

AuthenticationMD5Password (B)

AuthenticationSCMCredential (B)

BackendKeyData (B)

BinaryRow (B)

CancelRequest (F)

CompletedResponse (B)

CopyDataRows (B & F)

This is a stream of rows where each row is terminated by a Byte1('\n'). This is then followed by the sequence Byte1('\\'), Byte1('.'), Byte1('\n').

CopyInResponse (B)

CopyOutResponse (B)

CursorResponse (B)

EmptyQueryResponse (B)

ErrorResponse (B)

FunctionCall (F)

FunctionResultResponse (B)

FunctionVoidResponse (B)

NoticeResponse (B)

NotificationResponse (B)

PasswordPacket (F)

Query (F)

ReadyForQuery (B)

RowDescription (B)

SSLRequest (F)

StartupPacket (F)

Terminate (F)