Performing the Installation Using the Text-Mode Installer

This section explains how to install Red Hat Database from the CD-ROM using the console based text-mode installation program. If you do not wish to use the text installer and if you have the X Window System installed, you can use the GUI installer. See the Section called Performing the Installation Using the GUI for the GUI-based installation instructions.

The Installation Program User Interface

The text based installation program uses a simple question and answer interface. If you have ever configured a console mode program before, you will be familiar with this process. When presented with a question, simply enter one of the listed responses. For example, given:

Would you like to continue? [Yes / No]

To continue, enter:



You do not have to key in the whole option--you need to type only enough to make your response unambiguous. For example, in the above example, you can just enter y. (The installer is not case sensitive.)

Performing the Installation

To install the Red Hat Database:

  1. Log in as root.

  2. Insert the Red Hat Database CD into your CD-ROM drive.

  3. Mount the Red Hat Database CD:

    # mount -t iso9660 -o ro /dev/cdrom  /mnt/cdrom

  4. Run the installer:

    #  cd /mnt/cdrom
    #  ./Install -text

  5. When you run the installer, it will print some start up messages. It may take a few seconds for the installer to load, depending on the speed of your system.

  6. Choose the installation class that best suits your needs. For more information about the different installation classes, see the Section called Step 7 – Choose the Type of Installation in Chapter 1.

    NoteAbout the Customized Installation Option

    If you chose to do a custom installation you are prompted, one package at a time, to decide whether or not you want to install each package.

    You may notice that when you select or deselect a package, several other packages are selected or deselected. This occurs because various packages depend on each other. The installer makes sure that all dependencies are satisfied in the package set selected for installation to ensure that all the components you install will work correctly. Once you are finished selecting packages, you are ready to install the software.

  7. Before the installer starts installing packages, you are given a final chance to stop the installation. Press Control-C to end the installation, or press [ENTER] to continue. If you continue, the installer will begin to install your selected packages. The progress bar displays the installation progress for the current package. Depending on the speed of your computer, the installation may take several minutes.

    When you have completed the installation, the installer exits. You should now proceed to Chapter 3.