Configuration of Red Hat Database

Permission to access the databases from a client machine is required in order for ODBC applications to connect to it. To enable user access to the database, modify the pg_hba.conf file appropriately, the file can be found under /var/lib/pgsql/data/ for a standard Red Hat Database installation. For example, this can be done by adding a record similar to the following to the pg_hba.conf file:

host   all   trust

TCP/IP connections are also required in order for ODBC applications to connect to the databases; the appropriate changes can be made to the tcpip_socket setting in postgresql.conf. The file can be found under /var/lib/pgsql/data/ for a standard Red Hat Database installation. For example, this can be done by modifying the value of tcpip_socket setting from false to true so that TCP/IP connections are allowed by default every time postmaster starts up.

Restart postmaster after all modifications are complete to invoke the new settings. You can restart postmaster in several ways; for example:

$ /etc/rc.d/init.d/rhdb restart

For more information on granting database access permission, client authentication, enabling TCP/IP connections and restarting the postmaster, refer to the Red Hat Database Administrator and User's Guide.