2.2. Portal Server Packages

Portals in Portal Server are built above the WAF Portal Packages and the classes for Portal Server are located in the com.arsdigita.portalserver package and its sub-packages. The com.arsdigita.portalserver.PortalSite class is the domain class for a mountable Portal instance. It extends the com.arsdigita.web.Application class so that PortalSites are addressable entities in terms of URLs. There exists an association between PortalSites and com.arsdigita.portalserver.PortalTab domain objects in the datamodel for Portal Server. Every new instance of a PortalSite has a default PortalTab installed in it. More can be added through the local admin page's layout tab. Portlets are then added to PortalTabs through the admin UI for a PortalSite.

The com.arsdigita.portalserver package and subpackages also contains convenience domain classes for representing collections of PortalSites and PortalTabs, as well as many UI classes for creating and configuring Portal Server.