12.4. ARC Machine Directives

The ARC version of as supports the following additional machine directives:

.2byte expressions


.3byte expressions


.4byte expressions


.extAuxRegister name,address,mode


  .extAuxRegister mulhi,0x12,w

.extCondCode suffix,value


  .extCondCode is_busy,0x14

.extCoreRegister name,regnum,mode,shortcut


  .extCoreRegister mlo,57,r,can_shortcut

.extInstruction name,opcode,subopcode,suffixclass,syntaxclass


  .extInstruction mul64,0x14,0x0,SUFFIX_COND,SYNTAX_3OP|OP1_MUST_BE_IMM

.half expressions


.long expressions


.option arc|arc5|arc6|arc7|arc8

The .option directive must be followed by the desired core version. Again arc is an alias for arc6.

Note: the .option directive overrides the command line option -marc; a warning is emitted when the version is not consistent between the two - even for the implicit default core version (arc6).

.short expressions


.word expressions