Chapter 13. Web Applications Tutorial

13.1. Support for Globalization

This section discusses the internationalization (I18n) features of Java and WAF, and how to use this to localize web applications.

See Chapter 14 References for more references discussing the concepts of globalization.

WAF supports globalization in a variety of ways:

  1. It allows the user to select a preferred Locale, either by registering a preference with WAF, or by sending the appropriate Accept-Language HTTP header with each request.

  2. It allows the user to send and receive data in the user's preferred character set encoding.

  3. It provides mechanisms for storing multiple localized versions of resources for an application. This is true for both static and dynamic resources.

  4. It offers APIs for creating and accessing these localized resources.

  5. It provides a globalized WUI (Web User Interface) toolkit — for more information, see Section 5.4 Bebop - Reusable Web UI Components.

  6. It allows stylesheets (used for styling of content) to be associated with more than one Locale, thereby allowing you to create different layouts based on Locale. These will be applied automatically by the system as determined by the user's preferred Locale.