5.2. Servlet Container Configuration

This section contains specific notes about configuring WAF for specific servlet containers.

5.2.1. Basic Servlet Configuration

To prevent the enterprise.init from running twice at server startup, either:

5.2.2. Tomcat Tomcat 4.x


Do not use Tomcat 4.0.3. It will result in a security exception at server startup. Instead, use Tomcat 4.0.6 (preferred) or Tomcat 4.1.x.

Tomcat 4.1.x uses the AElfred non-validating parser instead of the Xerces parser. To use Xerces instead, in /etc/ccm-core.cfg enable the jre-args and set it to -Djavax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory=org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl.

If you use Tomcat 4.1.x, remove servlet.jar from your web application. This is due to a difference between the servlet 2.2 and 2.3 specifications.


j2ee.jar includes a Tomcat reference implementation that you should not use. If you have a j2ee.jar in your CLASSPATH, make sure that your tomcat.jar comes before your j2ee.jar.

5.2.3. Resin

If JAVA_HOME is set incorrectly, or is not set and the JDK is installed in a nonstandard location, Resin will die with the error message Bad File Descriptor.

5.2.4. WebSphere 4

IBM's Websphere Application Server (WAS) requires that the SunJCE.jar library be imported when the application server itself is started, as opposed to when the webapp is started.