6.4. Starting the Server

Once the applications have been installed, configured, and loaded, you should be ready to start and stop your server.

The command for starting and stopping the server is ccm {start|stop} [--container={resin|tomcat}]. If --container is not specified, then the value of the CCM_SERVLET_CONTAINER environment variable will be used.

For Windows the start/stop procedure is more complicated. With Tomcat, the application is first installed as a system service. Then the service is started/stopped in order to start and stop your server. Since the command-line application parameters (such as classpath, JRE arguments, CCM_HOME, etc.) are passed on when the service is installed, rather than at server start time, you must uninstall and reinstall the service before restarting your server after making any major configuration changes. This is done by rerunning ccm hostinit as described in Section 6.2 Configuring and Loading the Primary Application Instance. Server start/stop is as with Linux: ccm {start|stop} [--container={resin|tomcat}].


On Windows, if you see an error in the application log of the Event Viewer that says Could not create a FileOutputStream for System.out redirect, then manually create empty %CCM_HOME%\logs\catalina-stdout.log and %CCM_HOME%\logs\catalina-stderr.log files.