Name Conversion Utility - RetroGuard Documentation

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It can be useful to convert a list of original class names to their obfuscated form. The utility RGconv has been provided for this conversion.

The command for running RGconv has the form,

  • LOGFILE is the filename of the log output during the obfuscation process;
  • ORIG-NAMES is the filename of a text file containing a list of the unobfuscated names of classes, one per line in the format COM/mycorp/AClass.class, which are to be mapped to obfuscated form (this argument is optional - if absent, the list of names are taken from the standard input (stdin) stream);
  • OBF-NAMES is the target file for the converted, obfuscated class names (this argument is optional - if absent, the list of converted names are written to the standard output (stdout) stream).
If LOGFILE cannot be read, execution is terminated with a warning message.

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