Installing RetroGuard - RetroGuard Documentation
RetroGuard is a Java application, compliant with JDK-1.1 through JDK-1.5/JDK5 and so a Java
virtual machine is required to run the tool. We recommend that you obtain the
latest copy of the J2SE from
Sun Microsystems.
The RetroGuard obfuscator is simple to install. Just ensure that the
archive 'retroguard.jar' is listed in your 'CLASSPATH' environment variable.
Please refer to the JDK documentation for your platform if you are unsure
how to set the 'CLASSPATH' environment variable.
Before obfuscation, you must package your classes and any associated
resource files in a Jar archive. For example, to package an entire directory
tree of classes into a Jar, use: 'jar cf MyJar.jar * '. See
JDK documentation for full details about creating and using Jar archives.