Patch Utility - RetroGuard Documentation

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A utility called RGpatch has been provided to automate this patch generation. The extraction of updated classes and resource files from the obfuscated Jar and the creation of the patch Jar could, in theory, be done by hand. Starting with a list of the classes and resources to be included in the patch, you would convert these names to their obfuscated form by referring to the log-file, then extract the obfuscated files from the full Jar and repack them into a small patch Jar.

This procedure would be tiresome and error-prone, particularly on the Windows operating systems due to the limitations of the file system (Java identifiers are case-sensitive, but the Windows OSes smash case, which can lead to one class overwriting another during the un-jar/re-jar process).

The command for running RGpatch has the form,

  • WHOLE-JAR is the filename for the complete, incrementally obfuscated Jar file
  • PATCH-JAR is the filename that will be used for the generated patch Jar file
  • LOGFILE is the filename of the log output during the obfuscation of WHOLE-JAR
  • LISTFILE is the filename of a text file containing a list of the unobfuscated names of class and resource files which are to be included in the patch Jar.
There are no optional arguments for this command. If WHOLE-JAR, LOGFILE or LISTFILE cannot be read, or if PATCH-JAR cannot be written, execution is terminated with a warning message.

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