Repackaging Java Classes - RetroGuard Documentation

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[RetroGuard-v2.2.x only]

Java classes are often packaged within a hierarchy of lengthy package names. While normal obfuscation replaces each package name with a short identifier, it is instead possible to replace the whole chain of package names with a single short name. For example, RetroGuard would usually rename the class:


by renaming each package, level by level, giving an obfuscated name such as:


By repackaging to the top level of the class hierarchy, the class would be renamed such as:


The use of these very short, repackaged names throughout your obfuscated classes can further reduce the size of your deployed software.

To have RetroGuard repackage classes using the smallest possible package names, simply add the script line:

.option Repackage

RetroGuard performs this repackaging with care, so that none of the class relationships within a package or across packages are changed in any way.

'.option Repackage' is part of RetroGuard's internal default script and repackaging is recommended in general.

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