8.7. list

8.7.1. list appliance

rocks list appliance [appliance...]

Lists the appliances defined in the cluster database.



Optional list of appliance names.


$ rocks list appliance

List all known appliances.

8.7.2. list appliance xml

rocks list appliance xml [appliance...]

Lists the XML profile for a given appliance type. This is useful for high level debugging but will be missing any host specific variables. It cannot be used to pass into 'rocks list host profile' to create a complete Kickstart/Jumpstart profile.



Optional list of appliance names.


$ rocks list appliance xml compute

Lists the XML profile for a compute appliance.

$ rocks list appliance xml

Lists the XML profile for all appliance types.

8.7.3. list distribution

rocks list distribution [distribution...]

Lists the distributions defined in the cluster database.



Optional list of distribution names.


$ rocks list distribution

List all known distribution definitions.

8.7.4. list help

rocks list help [subdir=string]

The Help Command print the usage of all the registered Commands.



Relative of Python commands for listing help. This is used internally only.


$ rocks list help

List help for all commands

$ rocks list help subdir=list/host

List help for all commands under list/host

8.7.5. list host

rocks list host [host...]

List the membership, CPU count, physical position info and comment for a list of hosts.



Zero, one or more host names. If no host names are supplied, info about all the known hosts is listed.


$ rocks list host compute-0-0

List info for compute-0-0.

$ rocks list host

List info for all known hosts.

8.7.6. list host alias

rocks list host alias [host...]

Lists the aliases for a host.



Zero, one or more host names. If no host names are supplied, aliases for all the known hosts is listed.


$ rocks list host alias compute-0-0

List the aliases for compute-0-0.

$ rocks list host membership

List the aliases for all known hosts.

8.7.7. list host appliance

rocks list host appliance [host...]

Lists the appliance assignments for hosts. For each host supplied on the command line, this command prints the hostname and appliance assignment for that host.



Zero, one or more host names. If no host names are supplied, information for all hosts will be listed.


$ rocks list host appliance compute-0-0

List the appliance assignment for compute-0-0.

$ rocks list host appliance compute-0-0 compute-0-1

List the appliance assignments for compute-0-0 and compute-0-1.

8.7.8. list host graph

rocks list host graph [host...] [arch=string] [basedir=string]

For each host, output a graphviz script to produce a diagram of the XML configuration graph. If no hosts are specified, a graph for every known host is listed.



Zero, one or more host names. If no host names are supplied, info about all the known hosts is listed.



Optional. If specified, generate a graph for the specified CPU type. If not specified, then 'arch' defaults to this host's architecture.


Optional. If specified, the location of the XML node files.


$ rocks list host graph compute-0-0

Generates a graph for compute-0-0

8.7.9. list host installfile

rocks list host installfile [section=string]

Process an XML-based installation file and output an OS-specific installation file (e.g., a kickstart or jumpstart file).



Which section within the XML installation file to process (e.g., "kickstart", "begin", etc.).


# rocks list host installfile section="kickstart"

Output a RedHat-compliant kickstart file.

8.7.10. list host interface

rocks list host interface [host...]

Lists the interface definitions for hosts. For each host supplied on the command line, this command prints the hostname and interface definitions for that host.



Zero, one or more host names. If no host names are supplied, info about all the known hosts is listed.


$ rocks list host interface compute-0-0

List network interface info for compute-0-0.

$ rocks list host interface

List network interface info for all known hosts.

8.7.11. list host membership

rocks list host membership [host...]

Lists the membership assignments for hosts. For each host supplied on the command line, this command prints the hostname and membership assignment for that host.



Zero, one or more host names. If no host names are supplied, info about all the known hosts is listed.


$ rocks list host membership compute-0-0

List the membership assignment for compute-0-0.

$ rocks list host membership

List the membership assignment for all known hosts.

8.7.12. list host partition

rocks list host partition [host...]

Lists the partitions for hosts. For each host supplied on the command line, this command prints the hostname and partitions for that host.



Zero, one or more host names. If no host names are supplied, info about all the known hosts is listed.


$ rocks list host partition compute-0-0

List partition info for compute-0-0.

$ rocks list host partition

List partition info for known hosts.

8.7.13. list host profile

rocks list host profile [host...]

Outputs a XML wrapped Kickstart/Jumpstart profile for the given hosts. If not, profiles are listed for all hosts in the cluster. If input is fed from STDIN via a pipe, the argument list is ignored and XML is read from STDIN. This command is used for debugging the Rocks configuration graph.



Zero, one or more host names. If no host names are supplied, info about all the known hosts is listed.


# rocks list host profile compute-0-0

Generates a Kickstart/Jumpstart profile for compute-0-0.

# rocks list host xml compute-0-0 | rocks list host profile

Does the same thing as above but reads XML from STDIN.

8.7.14. list host pxeaction

rocks list host pxeaction [host...]

Lists the set of PXE actions for hosts. Each PXE action is a label that points to a command string. The command string is placed into a host-specific pxelinux configuration file. Example labels are 'install' and 'os' which point to command strings used to install and boot hosts respectively.



Zero, one or more host names. If no host names are supplied, info about all the known hosts is listed.


$ rocks list host pxeaction compute-0-0

List the PXE actions available for compute-0-0.

$ rocks list host pxeaction

List the PXE actions available for all known hosts.

8.7.15. list host pxeboot

rocks list host pxeboot [host...]

Lists the current PXE action for hosts. For each host supplied on the command line, this command prints the hostname and PXE action for that host. The PXE action describes what the host will do the next time it is PXE booted.



Zero, one or more host names. If no host names are supplied, info about all the known hosts is listed.


$ rocks list host pxeboot compute-0-0

List the current PXE action for compute-0-0.

$ rocks list host pxeboot

List the current PXE action for all known hosts.

8.7.16. list host sitexml

rocks list host sitexml [host...]

Lists the site XML file for hosts. For each host supplied on the command line, this command prints the site.xml file for that host which is used for host configuration.



Zero, one or more host names. If no host names are supplied, info about all the known hosts is listed.


# rocks list host sitexml compute-0-0

List the site XML file for compute-0-0.

# rocks list host sitexml

List the site XML file for all known hosts.

8.7.17. list host xml

rocks list host xml [host...] [arch=string]

Lists the monolithic XML configuration file for hosts. For each host supplied on the command line, this command prints the hostname and XML file configuration for that host. This is the same XML configuration file that is sent back to a host when a host begins it's installation procedure.



Zero, one or more host names. If no host names are supplied, info about all the known hosts is listed.



Optional. If specified, generate a graph for the specified CPU type. If not specified, then 'arch' defaults to this host's architecture.


$ rocks list host xml compute-0-0

List the XML configuration file for compute-0-0.

$ rocks list host xml

List the XML configuration files for all known hosts.

8.7.18. list license

rocks list license

List the Rocks copyright.


$ rocks list license

List the Rocks copyright.

8.7.19. list membership

rocks list membership [membership...]

Lists the memberships defined in the cluster database.



Optional. A list of membership names. If no membership names are supplied, all the known memberships are listed.


$ rocks list membership

List all known membership definitions.

8.7.20. list network

rocks list network [network...]

List the defined networks for this system.



Zero, one or more network names. If no network names are supplied, info about all the known networks is listed.


$ rocks list network private

List network info for the network named 'private'.

$ rocks list network

List info for all defined networks.

8.7.21. list node xml

rocks list node xml {node} [addr=string] [arch=string] [basedir=string] [dist=string] [eval=bool] [gen=string] [graph=string] [host=string] [missing-check=bool] [roll=string]

Lists the XML configuration information for a host. The graph traversal for the XML output is rooted at the XML node file specified by the 'node' argument. This command executes the first pre-processor pass on the configuration graph, performs all variable substitutions, and runs all eval sections.



The XML node file that the graph traversal will begin. This should be the basename of the XML file (e.g., 'compute' and not 'compute.xml').



Primary address of host. If not supplied, then the loopback IP address is used.


Traverse the graph with the 'arch' parameter set to the supplied value. If not specified, then 'arch' defaults to this host's architecture.


If specified, the location of the XML node files.


Name of the distribution. If not supplied, then the distribution named 'rocks-dist' is used.


If set to 'no', then don't execute eval sections. If not supplied, then execute all eval sections.


If set, the use the supplied argument as the program for the 2nd pass generator. If not supplied, then use 'kgen'.


Name of the graph to traverse. If not supplied, then the graph named 'default' is traversed.


Primary name of host. If not supplied, then the name of this host is used.


If set to 'no', then disable errors regarding missing nodes. If not supplied, then print messages about missing nodes.


If set, only expand nodes from the named roll. If not supplied, then the all rolls are used.


$ rocks list node xml compute

Generate the XML graph starting at the XML node named 'compute.xml'.

8.7.22. list roll

rocks list roll [roll...]

List the status of available rolls.



List of rolls. This should be the roll base name (e.g., base, hpc, kernel). If no rolls are listed, then status for all the rolls are listed.


$ rocks list roll kernel

List the status of the kernel roll

$ rocks list roll

List the status of all the available rolls

8.7.23. list roll command

rocks list roll command [roll...]

List the commands provided by a roll.



List of rolls. This should be the roll base names (e.g., base, hpc, kernel). If no rolls are listed, then commands for all the rolls are listed.


$ rocks list roll command base

Returns the the list of commands installed by the Rocks base Roll.

8.7.24. list var

rocks list var [appliance=string] [component=string] [service=string]

Lists variables in the Rocks key/value database. Variables are defined as a quad of (Appliance, Service, Component, Value). Within a node XML file, values can be retrieved as <var name="Service_Component"/>.



If supplied, restricts listing to this appliance. Using appliance=global will list only global values.


If supplied, restricts listing to this component.


If supplied, restricts listing to this service.


$ rocks list var

List all Rocks variables.

$ rocks list var service=Kickstart

List all Rocks variables associated with the 'Kickstart' service.

$ rocks list var service=Info component=RocksVersion

List the Rocks variable for Info_RocksVersion.