4.2. Changing the Storage Partition Used by a PVFS2 Storage Server

The default partition used by PVFS2 storage servers (PVFS2 I/O Nodes and the PVFS2 Metadata Server) is /state/partition1. To change it, you'll need to run the program /opt/pvfs2/sbin/rocks-pvfs2-partition.

To check which partition a node is using, run the command:

# /opt/pvfs2/sbin/rocks-pvfs2-partition --list --nodename pvfs2-io-0-0

This will produce output like:

pvfs2-io-0-0 has the following assigned PVFS2 partitions:

To change the partition to /mydata, execute the command:

# /opt/pvfs2/sbin/rocks-pvfs2-partition --add /mydata --nodename pvfs2-io-0-0

If you make a mistake and wish to delete a partition, execute the command:

# /opt/pvfs2/sbin/rocks-pvfs2-partition --delete /mydata --nodename pvfs2-io-0-0

After you modify the PVFS2 partition info for a storage node, you must apply the change to the cluster -- see the section Applying the Configuration for details.

At this time, only on partition per storage node is supported. If you specify more than one partition per storage node, the first partition listed will be the partition used.