2.2. On an Existing Server

The Service Pack Roll can be installed on running frontend.

The following procedure will install and configure the roll -- no reboot will be required.

First you'll need to install the roll installation program, then you'll install the roll.

For i386, as root, execute:

# rpm -Uvh http://www.rocksclusters.org/ftp-site/pub/rocks/rocks-4.2.1/upgrade/roll-install-4.2.1-0.i386.rpm
# roll-install http://www.rocksclusters.org/ftp-site/pub/rocks/rocks-4.2.1/service-pack-
# cd /home/install
# rocks-dist dist

For x86_64, execute:

# rpm -Uvh http://www.rocksclusters.org/ftp-site/pub/rocks/rocks-4.2.1/upgrade/roll-install-4.2.1-0.x86_64.rpm
# roll-install http://www.rocksclusters.org/ftp-site/pub/rocks/rocks-4.2.1/service-pack-
# cd /home/install
# rocks-dist dist

If your frontend doesn't have access to the outside internet, download the roll-install package and Service Pack Roll ISO image and execute:

# rpm -Uvh roll-install-4.2.1-0.<arch>.rpm
# roll-install service-pack-<arch>.disk1.iso
# cd /home/install
# rocks-dist dist

Substitute i386 or x86_64 for <arch> based on the version of Rocks you installed.