4.4. list

4.4.1. list dmx layout

rocks list dmx layout

Generates the DMX configuration file for the Wall. This can be used to recreate the user's ~/.dmxrc file based on the Rocks defaults.


$ rocks list dmx layout

4.4.2. list host xconfig

rocks list host xconfig {host...}

Lists the X11 Xorg configuration for the given list of hosts. If no host list is provided the configuration for the current machine is listed.



Zero or more host names.


$ rocks list host xconfig

Lists the X11 configuration for the local host.

$ rocks list host xconfig tile-0-0 tile-0-1

Lists the X11 configuration for tile-0-0 and tile-0-1.

4.4.3. list viz layout

rocks list viz layout

List the XML representation of the Video Wall layout stored in the cluster database. This XML can be edited and fed back into the database to change the physical layout of the tile display wall.


$ rocks list viz layout