rocks start chromium {app} {port} [mtu=int] [port=int]
Starts a Chromium application either inside or outside of DMX. This command is used internally by the system (by scanning the user's ~/.crconfig file) and is of limited value when called directly by the user.
Name of the GL application.
Mothership port number.
Size in KByte for Chromium MTU (default is 10MB).
Same as port argument.
Start glxgears using chromium using mothership on port 10075
rocks start dmx [display=int] [hidebezels=bool] [wm=string]
Starts a DMX session.
X11 display numbers (default is 1).
Set the TRUE to hide the LCD bezels (default is false).
Name of window manager to use (default is fvwm).
rocks start xlogo
Starts the XLogo application on the local host root X11 window. This is used to help align the tiles of a wall.