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Enumerable is the Mix-in module for the enumeration. The including class must provide the method each. All methods provided by Enumerable are defined using each.


collect {|item|...}

Returns an array of the result of the block evaluation over each item.

each_with_index {|item,index|...}

Iterates over each element with its index.

find {|item|...}
detect {|item|...}

Returns the first item which satisfies the block condition (i.e. the block's return value is true).

find_all {|item|...}
select {|item|...}

Returns an array of all items which satisfy the block condition.

grep(pattern) {|item|...}

Returns an array of all items which satisfy `pattern=== item'. If is called with the block, grep evaluates the block over every item matched.


Returns true if there is an item which equals to val. Comparison is done by the operator `=='.


Returns the index of the item which equals to val using operator `=='. The index of the first item is 0. Returns nil if there is no matching item. It is meaningless for non-ordered enumerables.


Returns the number of items.


Returns the smallest item assuming all items are Comparable.

min{|a, b|...}

Returns the smallest item using the evaluated value of the block.


Returns the greatest item assuming all items are Comparable.

max{|a, b|...}

Returns the greatest item using the evaluated value of the block.

reject {|item|...}

Returns an array of all items which does not satisfy the block condition.

sort {|a, b|...}

Returns the sorted array of the items. If the block is given, it must compare two items just like <=>.


Converts an Enumerable to an array.

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