Graphics Library

Table of Contents

GlobalProperty — to customize the objects appearance (curves, surfaces...) in a plot or surf command.
Graphics — graphics library overview
LineSpec — to quickly customize the lines appearance in a plot
Matplot — 2D plot of a matrix using colors
Matplot1 — 2D plot of a matrix using colors
Matplot_properties — description of the Matplot entities properties
Sfgrayplot — smooth 2D plot of a surface defined by a function using colors
Sgrayplot — smooth 2D plot of a surface using colors
addcolor — add new colors to the current colormap
alufunctions — pixel drawing functions
arc_properties — description of the Arc entity properties
autumncolormap — red through orange to yellow colormap
axes_properties — description of the axes entity properties
axis_properties — description of the axis entity properties
bar — bar histogram
barh — horizontal display of bar histogram
barhomogenize — homogenize all the bars included in the current working axes
bonecolormap — gray colormap with a light blue tone
captions — draw graph captions
champ — 2D vector field plot
champ1 — 2D vector field plot with colored arrows
champ_properties — description of the 2D vector field entity properties
clear_pixmap — erase the pixmap buffer
clf — clear or reset the current graphic figure (window) to default values
color — returns the color id of a color
color_list — list of named colors
colorbar — draw a colorbar
colordef — Set default color values to display different color schemes
colormap — using colormaps
Compound_properties — description of the Compound entity properties
contour — level curves on a 3D surface
contour2d — level curves of a surface on a 2D plot
contour2di — compute level curves of a surface on a 2D plot
contourf — filled level curves of a surface on a 2D plot
coolcolormap — cyan to magenta colormap
coppercolormap — black to a light copper tone colormap
copy — copy a graphics entity.
delete — delete a graphic entity and its children.
dragrect — Drag rectangle(s) with mouse
draw — draw an entity.
drawaxis — draw an axis
drawlater — makes axes children invisible.
drawnow — draw hidden graphics entities.
edit_curv — interactive graphic curve editor
errbar — add vertical error bars on a 2D plot
eval3d — values of a function on a grid
eval3dp — compute facets of a 3D parametric surface
event handler functions — Prototype of functions which may be used as event handler.
fac3d — 3D plot of a surface (obsolete)
fchamp — direction field of a 2D first order ODE
fcontour — level curves on a 3D surface defined by a function
fcontour2d — level curves of a surface defined by a function on a 2D plot
fec — pseudo-color plot of a function defined on a triangular mesh
fec_properties — description of the fec entities properties
fgrayplot — 2D plot of a surface defined by a function using colors
figure_properties — description of the graphics figure entity properties
fplot2d — 2D plot of a curve defined by a function
fplot3d — 3D plot of a surface defined by a function
fplot3d1 — 3D gray or color level plot of a surface defined by a function
gca — Return handle of current axes.
gce — Get current entity handle.
gcf — Return handle of current graphic window.
gda — Return handle of default axes.
gdf — Return handle of default figure.
ged — Scilab Graphic Editor
genfac3d — compute facets of a 3D surface
geom3d — projection from 3D on 2D after a 3D plot
get — Retrieve a property value from a graphics entity or an User Interface object.
get_figure_handle — get a figure handle from its id
getcolor — opens a dialog to show colors in the current colormap
getfont — dialog to select font . Obsolete function.
getlinestyle — dialog to select linestyle. Obsolete function.
getmark — dialog to select mark (symbol). Obsolete function
getsymbol — dialog to select a symbol and its size. Obsolete function
glue — glue a set of graphics entities into an Compound.
graduate — pretty axis graduations
graphics_entities — description of the graphics entities data structures — description of the graphics entities data structures
graphics_fonts — description of fonts used in graphic figures
graycolormap — linear gray colormap
grayplot — 2D plot of a surface using colors
grayplot_properties — description of the grayplot entities properties
graypolarplot — Polar 2D plot of a surface using colors
havewindow — return scilab window mode
hist3d — 3D representation of a histogram
histplot — plot a histogram
hotcolormap — red to yellow colormap
hsv2rgb — Converts HSV colors to RGB
hsvcolormap — Hue-saturation-value colormap
is_handle_valid — Check wether a set of graphic handles is still valid.
isoview — set scales for isometric plot (do not change the size of the window)
jetcolormap — blue to red colormap
label_properties — description of the Label entity properties
legend — draw graph legend
legend_properties — description of the Legend entity properties.
legends — draw graph legend
locate — mouse selection of a set of points
mesh — 3D mesh plot
milk_drop — milk drop 3D function
move — move, translate, a graphic entity and its children.
name2rgb — returns the RGB values of a named color
newaxes — Creates a new Axes entity
nf3d — rectangular facets to plot3d parameters
object_editor — description of the graphic object editor capacities — description of the graphic object editor capacities — description of the graphic object editor capacities
oceancolormap — linear blue colormap
oldplot — simple plot (old version)
param3d — 3D plot of a parametric curve
param3d1 — 3D plot of parametric curves
paramfplot2d — animated 2D plot, curve defined by a function
pie — draw a pie
pinkcolormap — sepia tone colorization on black and white images
plot — 2D plot
plot2d — 2D plot
plot2d1 — 2D plot (logarithmic axes) (obsolete)
plot2d2 — 2D plot (step function)
plot2d3 — 2D plot (vertical bars)
plot2d4 — 2D plot (arrows style)
plot2d_old_versionThe syntaxes described below are obsolete
plot3d — 3D plot of a surface
plot3d1 — 3D gray or color level plot of a surface
plot3d2 — plot surface defined by rectangular facets
plot3d3 — mesh plot surface defined by rectangular facets
plot3d_old_version — 3D plot of a surface
plotframe — plot a frame with scaling and grids. This function is obsolete.
plzr — pole-zero plot
polarplot — Plot polar coordinates
polyline_properties — description of the Polyline entity properties
rainbowcolormap — red through orange, yellow, green,blue to violet colormap
rectangle_properties — description of the Rectangle entity properties
relocate_handle — Move handles inside the graphic hierarchy.
replot — redraw the current graphics window with new boundaries
rgb2name — returns the name of a color
rotate — rotation of a set of points
rotate_axes — Interactive rotation of an Axes handle.
rubberbox — Rubberband box for rectangle selection
sca — set the current axes entity
scaling — affine transformation of a set of points
scf — set the current graphic figure (window)
sd2sci — gr_menu structure to scilab instruction convertor
sda — Set default axes.
sdf — Set default figure.
secto3d — 3D surfaces conversion
segs_properties — description of the Segments entity properties
set — set a property value of a graphic entity object or of a User Interface object.
set_posfig_dim — change defaut transformation for exporting in postscript
seteventhandler — set an event handler for the current graphic window
show_pixmap — send the pixmap buffer to the screen
show_window — raises a graphics window
springcolormap — magenta to yellow colormap
square — set scales for isometric plot (change the size of the window)
stringbox — Compute the bounding rectangle of a text or a label.
subplot — divide a graphics window into a matrix of sub-windows
summercolormap — green to yellow colormap
surf — 3D surface plot
surface_properties — description of the 3D entities properties
swap_handles — Permute two handles in the graphic Hierarchy.
text_properties — description of the Text entity properties
title — display a title on a graphic window
titlepage — add a title in the middle of a graphics window
twinkle — is used to have a graphics entity twinkle
unglue — unglue a coumpound object and replace it by individual children.
unzoom — unzoom graphics
whitecolormap — completely white colormap
winsid — return the list of graphics windows
wintercolormap — blue to green colormap
xarc — draw a part of an ellipse
xarcs — draw parts of a set of ellipses
xarrows — draw a set of arrows
xbasc — clears a graphics window.
xbasr — redraw a graphics window
xchange — transform real to pixel coordinates
xclear — clears a graphics window
xclick — Wait for a mouse click.
xclip — (obsolete) set a clipping zone
xdel — delete a graphics window
xfarc — fill a part of an ellipse
xfarcs — fill parts of a set of ellipses
xfpoly — fill a polygon
xfpolys — fill a set of polygons
xfrect — fill a rectangle
xget — get current values of the graphics context. This function is obsolete.
xgetech — get the current graphics scale
xgetmouse — get the mouse events and current position
xgraduate — axis graduation
xgrid — add a grid on a 2D plot
xinfo — draw an info string in the message subwindow
xlfont — load a font in the graphic context or query loaded font
xload — load a saved graphics
xname — change the name of the current graphics window
xnumb — draw numbers
xpause — suspend Scilab
xpoly — draw a polyline or a polygon
xpolys — draw a set of polylines or polygons
xrect — draw a rectangle
xrects — draw or fill a set of rectangles
xrpoly — draw a regular polygon
xsave — save graphics into a file
xsegs — draw unconnected segments
xselect — raise the current graphics window
xset — set values of the graphics context. This function is obsolete.
xsetech — set the sub-window of a graphics window for plotting
xsetm — dialog to set values of the graphics context. Obsolete function.
xstring — draw strings
xstringb — draw strings into a box
xstringl — compute a box which surrounds strings
xtitle — add titles on a graphics window
zoom_rect — zoom a selection of the current graphic figure