Input/Output functions

Table of Contents

deff — on-line definition of function
diary — diary of session
disp — displays variables
execstr — execute Scilab code in strings
file — file management
fileinfo — Provides information about a file
get_absolute_file_path — Given an absolute pathname of a file opened in scilab.
getenv — get the value of an environment variable
getf — defining a function from a file
getio — get Scilab input/output logical units
getpid — get Scilab process identificator
getrelativefilename — Given an absolute directory and an absolute filename, returns a relative file name.
getscilabkeywords — returns a list with all scilab keywords.
halt — stop execution
host — Unix or DOS command execution
input — prompt for user input
lib — library definition
load — load saved variable
newest — returns newest file of a set of files
oldload — load saved variable in 2.4.1 and previous formats
oldsave — saving variables in 2.4.1 and previous format
print — prints variables in a file
printf — Emulator of C language printf function
printf_conversion — printf, sprintf, fprintf conversion specifications
read — matrices read
read4b — fortran file binary read
readb — fortran file binary read
readc_ — read a character string
save — saving variables in binary files
setenv — set the value of an environment variable
sprintf — Emulator of C language sprintf function
sscanf — Converts formatted input given by a string
unix — shell (sh) command execution
unix_g — shell (sh) command execution, output redirected to a variable
unix_s — shell (sh) command execution, no output
unix_w — shell (sh) command execution, output redirected to scilab window
unix_x — shell (sh) command execution, output redirected to a window
writb — fortran file binary write
write — write in a formatted file
write4b — fortran file binary write